Bonner County Amateur Radio Club – K7JEP

Local Groups, Parts, Supplies, & More

This replaces our current “Links” page with many more links and categories. 
I do not see the need to have one menu item devoted solely to links.

Trying to find a local group, parts manufacturer, vacuum tube supplier, or something else?  Maybe this will help.  The information on this page is provided as a courtesy to the Amateur Radio community. 

Disclaimer: BCARC does not endorse, recommend, or receive any royalties from any vendor or site listed below and has not verified any information provided from other sites for the purpose of this listing.  BCARC takes no responsibility for the accuracy of information listed on these sites or your transactions with them.

Local sites and emergency groups are listed first followed by a general listing.

If you can’t find a listing here try The Birmingham Amateur Radio Club (another BARC) – W4CUE.COM – it has one of the most complete lists of vendors that I have found.   They must have close to 500 vendors listed.  Rather than trying to re-create it here I will post their link:   As they rely upon their members to add vendors and it shows a rather old date for the last verification, some links may be broken.

Below is BCARC’s list.  By clicking on a dark blue underlined name, you will be taken to that listing’s website.  The last date of verification of the sites listed below is April 2023 and indicates that the link and site was active, it is not an endorsement of that site’s product.   Note that some sites may be listed more than once, under different categories and names, to go to specific parts of their site; such as NIST & the DX Zone.  Another thing to think about is that many of the suppliers have help or DIY sections on their website which may help you find answers to your questions.

General listing by category:

Organizations, Licensing Information, Call Sign Look Up
Reference/Training/ Projects
Software – Logging:  (Author’s claims not verified by BCARC)
  • DX 4 Win – DX4WIN is an easy to use, yet powerful logging program. It has been designed for the the serious and the casual DXer.
  • DXKeeper – Free application that logs QSOs, tracks award status, generates QSL cards & labels, addresses envelopes, uploads QSOs to and LoTW, and downloads progress info from and LotW.
  • Log40MFree Windows station management includes general logbook, dx cluster, CAT radio interface and interface to several ham radio services like LoTW, QRZ, HRDlog and more
  • Logger 32 – Free Windows logging program. Logger32 has been developed to be a highly user configurable general purpose Amateur Radio logbook with computer control support for many radios and antenna rotators.
  • LoTW (Logbook of the World) – ARRL’s web-accessed database to implement a contact verification service among amateur radio operators. Using LoTW, radio amateurs (hams) can claim and verify contacts (QSOs) made with other amateurs, generally for claiming credit for operating awards, such as DXCC.
  • N3FJP Software – Free to try logging software
  • N1MM Contest Logging SoftwareFree logging software
  • Swisslog – Freeware logging program for the sophisticated Ham. Due to its flexibility it covers all requirements. Runs under Windows and supports external devices, dx cluster, reporting and many features.
Spotting/Band Conditions
  • DX Cluster.Info – DX Cluster Resource Connection
  • DX Maps – QSO/SWL real time information 
  • DX spotting site – Arcala Radio, OH8X, located in the Far North at the Arctic Circle under the Aurora Belt. Check the tutorials page for how to use this site.
  • DX Watch -Hosts the Reverse Beacon Network. Rather than a map format, this site lets you configure filters and display DX spots in a scrolling list.
  • Kurt Harnish’s Maps — Covers 2, 6 and 10 meters.
  • PSK Reporter – See who has spotted your transmissions when doing digital modes. Useful for when you call CQ and nobody responds, you can at least tell that your signal is getting out.
  • Reverse Beacon Network — A network of volunteers listening to the bands and reporting what stations they hear, when and how well.
  • Space Weather – Source for “What’s up in space.”
  • VHF propagation in real time – (based on APRS contacts / beacons)
  • VOACAP — Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program. Free professional high-frequency (HF) propagation prediction software from NTIA/ITS.
  • WSPRnet — The Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network
Special or General Interests
Used Equipment
  • QTH – Ham Radio Classified Ads